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Click on the category images above to see the entries.


Landscape: This category is for photographs of inland landscapes, from lowlands to alpine regions. People and animals may be included in this category, but they should not be the primary focus of the image. Aerial images are not allowed.

Seascape: This category is for photographs of coastal subjects, including the ocean, shoreline and surrounds. People and animals may be included in this category, but they should not be the primary focus of the image.

Urban: This category is for photographs captured in urban environments, including cities and towns. The main subject in your image should depict the built environment or an element of it. Aerial images are not allowed.

Aerial: This category is for photographs captured from an elevated position; for example from a drone, aircraft, or elevated structure such as a building or bridge. Images may include wilderness, rural, suburban or urban scenes. Note: The Landscape Awards supports the safe and legal operation of remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), including drones. All entries captured with an RPA must comply with local rules and regulations. Any images suspected of being captured illegally will be disqualified. In order to be eligible for a prize, entrants must be able to provide verifiable EXIF data including drone type, position (latitude and longitude) and altitude information. Competition organisers reserve the right to disqualify any image they suspect may have been captured illegally.


Images entered into the competition must be entirely photographic in origin. Images created wholly or in part with the assistance of artificial intelligence, 3D, or illustration processes may not be entered.

Adjustments may be made to cropping, noise, sharpness, saturation, luminance, colour temperature, tone and contrast, including dodging and burning and black-and-white conversions. Cloning of dust spots, scratches, and minor distractions is permitted. Digital lens and perspective correction is permitted. Images must be single capture, not composites, with the following exceptions: stitched panoramas, focus stacks and HDR images (in these cases multiple images may be captured at the same location and merged to form a single image). In-camera multiple exposures may be entered. Competition organisers reserve the right to request original RAW files. Furthermore, they reserve the right to disqualify any image if they feel it lacks authenticity due to over-manipulation.

Check the Terms & Conditions for more information.


Email us at [email protected]


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